VoD @ winter light night

winter light night, originally uploaded by paul flickriness.

the crowds

Freezing cold night, throngs of people. Did they show interest in the strange screen at the end the road? Some did, some were bemused. Is there a place for science on show at this type of event? I would say yes, but perhaps a better screen would be required and more interactivity. We gave out heaps of pencils, pens, furry little lapel bugs (you know – the ones that you find everywhere advertising everything from kitchen sinks to funeral parlour services). Then again on a cold night in November who actually wants to be interacting with a bunch of scientists when they could be guzzling mulled wine and eating oversized wurst. Maybe WE missed the point and should have offered SOUP n SCIENCE. Genius. You heard it hear first folks.

btw Thanks to all the die hards who came down to help.

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